Motorola radios, we can learn a lot from their schematics, even if their transceivers are not HAM oriented, i like them much. Is there anyone who has not heard the great phrase:If you want the best, it's gotta be Motorola. They are truly 'Deep In The Heart Of The State Of The Art' by batlabs: disagrees?! Tell me another radio with this option: Radio Destruct Telegram - It is possible to send a special call to the radio from the controller which will disable the radio completely. The radio can be restored again by reprogramming it from the RSS.
I get some Motorola VHF mobile radios, model MCS 2000 and MCS 2100, almost identical and start to play with them. While I playing with programming software for those models, called 'Wookie Mobius Lab' SDVN4274A, few times i've got an error: FAIL 01/90 . Just hit 'Retry' and everything returns to normal, until once, when the annoying FAIL 01/90 occurs again and wookie say: ' SB9600 Bus Error (initializing) Protokollfehler (kein ACK/NAK vom FuG) '. I pull out the power supply and this was my biggest mistake, the radio become almost dead, when i power it up, there was nothing - no beep, no display, just nothing! I've made a jumper between pin 15 of the Accessory Connector and +Vcc and FAIL 01/90 comes up on the display after a while. Great! Not fully dead, but yet unusable. The only way to bring it back to live was to flash it, so i have to mod my RIB and add a flashing option. All files and info i get from here: special thanks to EW1LN, LZ1CWT and SQ5EKQ !!!
The resurrection was not so easy, as it sounds, because i spent 2 days of trying to run the UPGRADE.EXE on my PC, simple P4 1.8GHz and XP SP3. I have some experience with other Motorola radios and softwares, so i know i will need some tricks. For 2 days i try on few different virtual machines without any success. Тhen i remember, that i have one old PC with Intel Pentium 3 Celeron at 400MHz. I dug it out somehow and power it up, fortunately it boot with clean XP SP2 and echolink. Another try and nothing. Then install clean DOS 6.22 on it aaand :
.. VOILA !!!!!!! The upgrade start successfully and the most important - it finish successfully from the very first try !!!
There was again some error on the display, but Wookie now connects to radio and successfully programming the backup of Internal and External Codeplug.
My Motorola is perfect, again!
NOTE 1: You can repair or change Model Number and SN by SKY_U19L.EXE from the above packages, just type X after starting the program, to get into the lab mode.
NOTE 2: You can repair Model Number and SN by Wookie, go to File>Options>Enable 'Unsafe' Buttons, then Radio>Program>check Internal Codeplug, then Override Model and Override Serial.
NOTE 3: If you have model with numeric keypad, you can program simplex channels with 'Alias No:' = frequency after decimal point and 'Alias Name:' = frequency. By doing so, if you need to go to 145.450 for example, you have to enter '450' from keyboard and on the display you will get 145.450.
For repeaters you can use for example 'Alias No: = 102 , Alias Name: R2 / RV52' or resp. 'Alias No: = 152 , Alias Name: RV52 / R2'
NOTE 4: You can program Zone to display at 2nd row as 'PWR:', then name the zone 25W, 2W etc. and put channels with different power levels in the corresponding zone.
NOTE 5: If you like to have 'Roger Beep', you can make new zone and name it '25WRoger' for example, then put the channels with another personality in it.
For melodic CW like SK 'ti ti ti taaa ti taaa' make the next example:
in Common Encoder / Decoder: Tone Sytem CCIR > Group Tone: A(2400.0 Hz) , Repeat Tone: E(2110.0 Hz)
Seq. No: | Tone System: | Sequence: | Pre-Time: | 1st Tone: |
13 | CCIR | 444444 | 0 | 40 |
14 | CCIR | 644 | 0 | 180 |
15 | CCIR | 6 | 0 | 180 |
Tone System 1: Tone 2-7 Duration: 40 msec
Make new personality with Encoder Personality > Telegram at Dekey checked, then Telegram Sequences > Telegram at Dekey > 13 14 15 > Play
If You like it, make a channel with this personality and you will have it on the radio.
For melodic CW like K (end of transmition) 'taaa ti taaa' make the next:
in Common Encoder / Decoder: Tone Sytem CCIR > Group Tone: A(2400.0 Hz) , Repeat Tone: E(2110.0 Hz)
Seq. No: | Tone System: | Sequence: | Pre-Time: | 1st Tone: |
16 | CCIR | 1111 | 0 | 200 |
17 | CCIR | 1 | 0 | 240 |
Make new personality with Encoder Personality > Telegram at Dekey checked, then Telegram Sequences > Telegram at Dekey > 16 17 - > Play
If You like it, make a channel with this personality and you will have it on the radio.
By this way many other not so annoying Roger Beeps can be programmed, as long as there is free physical channels, total 250 in these models.